Cool Kid helps in fight against cancer

FOUNTAIN VALLEY, Calif. "It just seemed like such a great thing to be a part of," Kate said. "And so, from there I started Pink Ribbon Club at my high school. Now, we're 30 members strong."

Kate is especially active on campus as she strives to inform students of a disturbing trend.

"We hand out pink ribbons for Passionate Pink Day, and a lot of us wear our club shirts around, or there's a certain day of the week when we all decide to wear our pink shirts and get the message out that breast cancer is hitting a younger group these days," Kate said.

Although Kate is doing many things on a local level, she also realizes what she is doing on a larger scale.

"Being something bigger than yourself, realizing that you're doing something that's not for yourself -- you're doing something for others, and it makes you feel good about society and what you're bringing to it," Kate said.

Drawing the attention of a younger generation to a longtime concern, she is our Cool Kid, Kate Gasparro.


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