"We are especially pleased about California where apparently we took almost all of the congressional districts. This means we have a very large number of delegates from the state of California," said McCain.
Now it is back to work for Senator McCain to try to reunite the Republican party. McCain says his experience and his track record make him the man for the job.
"I know how we can unite the party. I know how we can bring us all together. I know that the independence of voters and frankly the old Reagan Democrats will come our way because I think we'll have a message that will appeal to all of them," said McCain.
Tuesday night McCain walked away with wins in nine states, six of them winner take all.
"I think we must get use to the idea that we are the Republican front runner for the nomination," said McCain.
Even with his comfortable lead over his chief rival Mitt Romney, McCain is taking nothing for granted. He was reluctant Wednesday to suggest that Romney should step out of the race.
"I think that is a decision that he and his family and his advisors have to make. I can't give that kind of recommendation," said McCain.
In closing McCain once again focused on Iraq. He reiterated his strong stand on finishing the war against terror. He warned that there would be dire consequences by implementing the Democrats plan of troop withdrawal.
"I will make finally the argument again that al-Qaeda will win if we do what the Democrats want to do," said McCain.
The clear underdog Ron Paul didn't win any states but contended he will continue his run for the nomination until the GOP Convention in Minneapolis in September.
John McCain picked up 561 delegates total, Mitt Romney has received 222, Mitt Huckabee has 172, and Ron Paul 14. A Republican candidate needs 1,191 to win the GOP nomination.