The FoodCuber is great for cutting calories and watching portions or food budget. These trays help keep you honest by offering quality control. Pasta sauce, baby food, casseroles, even dog food stores well without waste.
The trays come in three different sizes that are dishwasher and microwave safe. Perfect for the fridge or freezer, just pour and store. Pop out what you want when you need it without wasting the rest. Three trays cost $19.99 or get one for $7.49.
Then there's the Chop Keeper. There's loads of cutting board, but many chefs like this one due to its practicality.
The half-inch raised sides keep juices from dripping on the counter. Its light, flexible material makes it easy to slide food into a bowl or pan. It's easy to clean and dishwasher safe. The Chop Keeper cutting boards are sold three for $14.99.
Another great gadget is The Days Ago Digital Day Counter.
Have you ever looked at the jar in the fridge and wondered when you opened it?
Remember outside of baby products and meat, sell by dates only recommend freshness, so this device helps puts an end to the mystery.
Start the timer on your baby food, leftovers, tomato sauce when you put them in the fridge, taking out the guess work, and cut down on food borne illness.
A two pack for $10 is available with magnetic or suction attachment. The timer will count up to 99 days and is easily reset.
The timer's not just for food. It's efficient in counting anything that needs tracking such as medicine and contact lenses.
It will even help you keep track of the last time you exercised.
The FoodCuber:
The Chop Keeper:
The Days Ago Digital Day Counter: