"My nephew was a great kid. He had a bright, bright future," said Maria Corona, Guevara's aunt.
Maria Corona laments the loss of her 24-year-old nephew. He was the victim of what police call a callous, cold-blooded and seemingly random act of violence.
"He always told his brother and his sisters, 'You gotta study, you gotta stay on, you gotta do this, you gotta muy mando.' Wanted for everyone to do better," said Corona.
Guevara came to a store on a Saturday afternoon in August of 2007. He cashed his paycheck and walked back to his truck.
"A car drove northbound on Eastern, somebody yelled out, 'Hey' to him, and then shots were fired," said Detective Jake Dugger, Los Angeles Police Department.
Guevara was a Navy reservist and police say he was an upstanding citizen. All reasons why the city has sponsored a $50,000 reward for the arrest of his killer.
"If they did this to someone so blatantly during the daytime, these people, or this person, is obviously a very dangerous person or persons," said Jose Huizar, Los Angeles City Council.
Since the shooting happened on a busy street, on a Saturday afternoon, police believe there are witnesses.
"Somebody had to have seen or heard something," said Detective Dugger.
Anyone who has any information regarding Guevara's case should call the Los Angeles Police Department at (877) LAW-FULL or (877) 529-3855.