Oprah's new program offers life's 'Best'

"I am mad at myself and embarrassed. I can't believe I'm still talking about weight," said Oprah Winfrey.

Oprah Winfrey a woman who seemingly has it all. Has gained weight. Quite a bit of it.

"Believe me, I didn't think I would ever fall off the wagon again," said Winfrey

Carrying an extra 40 pounds she's determined to help herself and others get a grip on reality.

Beginning Monday January 5 she'll have a week's worth of new shows, devoted to helping you learn to fulfill your potential.

"It's sort of like O university, taking a seminar or a class where you have all of the best instructors help you become your best self -- that's what it's like," said Winfrey.

The best life instructors include professionals like Suze Orman and trainer Bob Greene.

"My advice for people who have fallen off the wagon is to dust yourself off. Identify what you want and go after it with passion," said Greene.

Dr. Mehmet Oz is also part of this team of experts.

"Easiest step the first and easiest step to better health is to walk. All of our ancestors walked. Don't get hurt doing it. When you at people around the world at people who live the longest, it's the one characteristic they all share," said Dr. Oz.

The goal is 10,000 steps a day which you can monitor by using a pedometer.

Dr. Oz recommends trying it out for a few weeks to get used to it. And when walking is part of your routine pass it on to a friend.

Oprah says she's making the commitment to getting back on track. A path she mistakenly thought had become a permanent part of her daily life.

"I thought, I got this down. I got the plan. I got the lifestyle. I know how to control it. I am the most shocked person in the world that I gained 40 lbs. What I know is it's not just about eating. Nobody gets fat because they eat too much, it's deeper. It's about your ability to manage your life," said Winfrey.

Dr. Oz says no more excuses -- just do it.

"Forget blaming it on your genes and your parents. Realize it's up to you to live your best life," said Dr. Oz.



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