"My husband had run into the bedroom and picked up the television and all we could see were her hands and feet. All I know, she wasn't responding at all," said Kaiser.
/*Consumer Reports*/ says the weight of a TV makes it a deadly danger for kids, especially when it's set on top of a dresser or other furniture not designed to hold a television set.
"They'll use the drawers of a dresser as a climbing platform to climb up like a ladder and try to reach the television. That can cause an unstable condition. The television could tip over and crush them," said Don Mays, Consumer Reports.
Consumer Reports checked to see how much force it takes to tip over televisions of various sizes.
It turns out, the bigger TVs tested on the dresser were not the easiest to tip over.
"We found that the biggest risk is probably with the smaller TVs, because with those sitting on top of a dresser, it takes much less force to get the dresser to tip over," said Mays.
A 27-inch television is what killed Erin Kaiser's daughter, Chloe.
"You should never put televisions on a dresser or other type of furniture that's not designed to handle it," said Mays.
But, as Erin Kaiser now realizes, even television stands can be unstable.
"It was a TV stand that had a drawer in it and she got up into the drawer and the whole thing just collapsed on her," said Kaiser. "They're little. They only want what they want. You just have to try and protect them every which way you can."
Consumer Reports says you need to put televisions on very heavy, stable furniture that has no drawers. In addition, you should ideally attach the furniture to the wall.
Finally, no matter what size TV you have, make sure you push it back away from the edge of the table so it is against the wall.