In January, I thought I would be in a full-time position by May. And that's not the case at all.
Believing her loans were a good investment, Klein graduated $10,000 in debt. And she is not alone.
Sixty-five percent of undergrads finish college with debt averaging $22,000. Graduate and professional students borrow between $27,000 and $114,000.
While they navigate the worst job market since the Great Depression, many of these recent grads now face a tricky financial calculus.
Job opportunities are scarce.
When these recent graduates do secure employment, the recession will likely depress their earning power, according to one study, up to $100,000 over 20 years.
Recent grads also begin repaying the loans. Still, financial aid experts say student loans are a good investment.
"I think if historical trends hold true even though this recession students are going to be far better off getting a college education," said Justin Drager.
That's because, over the course of a 40 year career, college grads earn 61 percent more than those with just a high school diploma.
But recent grads have to re-adjust their goals. It may take them longer to buy a house, or start a business.
"I'm much more conscious of how I spend my money," said Klein.
And is the case with many in the class of 2009, the recession has changed Klein's reality. But she says, the economic downturn won't force her to give up on her dream job yet.
Although the economy has made finding a job more difficult, the feds announced Wednesday they see signs of the recession easing a bit. The next step is to see unemployment figures begin to drop and then graduates will be among the first to get hired.
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