Protesters camp outside governor's home

BRENTWOOD, Calif. Activist Lilybeth Navarro and about 100 protesters gathered in front of /*Governor Schwarzenegger*/ Brentwood home on Friday.

Their upset with proposals and attempts to cut pay to home care providers, and reduce the number of people giving that care. Demonstrator Cynde Soto now lives in her own apartment because she gets her own care.

"They are going to be paid minimum wage and I need personal care. I don't think I can find someone that would do what I need done for minimum wage," said Soto.

Actually the disabled and their providers won't know until next week what their part in the budget is. So far the pay cuts are tied up in the courts and the budget still is not finalized.

Shirley Leonard is one of the providers. She has been helping a 79-year-old woman stay in her home.

"I make approximately $800 a month. So if the hours are cut down, how would I pay my rent? My personal food? I don't know what I would do," said Leonard.

Governor Schwarzenegger's spokesman says that the proposal is in flex, nothing has been finalized, but there will be cuts. Part of it, he says is an attempt to reform the program. Demonstrator Lori Jon provides help to her brother.

"Without me, he would end up in a nursing home. And that would be going against a promise I made my mom. I told her that he would always be cared for, no matter what," said Jon.

In a prearranged event two of the women crossed over the property line, onto the governor's property. After they were removed without incident they were cited for trespassing and released.

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