Musical brings together Elvis, Sophocles

Hollywood Wrap with George Pennacchio
LOS ANGELES "/*Oedipus the King, Mama!*/" turns Sophocles' old Greek tragedy about a guy fated to kill his father and marry his mother into a musical comedy with a little help from /*Elvis*/.

"They're not going to see much Sophocles if they come here, other than the title, that's pretty much it. But Elvis fans, you should come in droves. We're taking good care of the King up in here," said Matt Walker, from the /*Troubador Theater Company*/.

"Oedipus" is at the /*Falcon Theatre*/ in Burbank, where there's plenty of action on stage.

James Snyder, who made his Broadway debut last year, has been a Troubador Theater Company fan since he saw his first show. He's thrilled to now be a Troubie himself.

"This is why I love being an actor is the fun that we get to have on stage, you know, and I think the audience sees that and sees how much we love that," said Snyder.

And the audience never really knows what's around the corner next.

"I will say that Elvis and Oedipus are not the only kings that make an appearance in the show," said Synder.

"No, the King of Pop might briefly show up in the show if you come see it. Only if you come see it, though," added Beth Kennedy.

"Oedipus the King, Mama!" is playing through September 27 at the Falcon Theatre.

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