Volunteers donate on Humanitarian Day

LOS ANGELES "It's something special that you never get," says Jo-Jo, who is homeless.

"A lot of people don't want to give you anything, but these people are very special," he adds.

There were individuals in need of a helping hand side by side with families.

"Back packs, supplies for school, and books and pencils, so I thing it's great," says mother Carla Gonzalez.

This annual Humanitarian Day is organized by the Coalition to Preserve Human Dignity. Most of the volunteers are from the Muslim community.

"Because it's during the month of Ramadam, it's pretty much the most exciting month for us, we do get a lot of Muslim participation, but that's not all that's here," says Naim Shah, a Humanitarian Day organizer.

"We have multi-faiths of all ages, so it really is the human family helping the human family," he adds.

In addition to giving away clothing and other supplies, volunteer medical workers offered free health screenings.

"You spend so much time in clinic and you're busy with your everyday job," says Dr. Khizer Khader, an eye doctor, donating his time.

"You forget people that aren't able to make it to you because they don't' have access to health care," he says.

The coalition had enough supplies on hand to help about 1,000 people.

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