U2 concert to face parking nightmare

PASADENA, Calif. The Rose Bowl has never been sold out for a concert until now. On Sunday, a record number of people are expected to show up at the U2 concert, and a big concern for concert-goers is figuring out how they're going to get to the event on Sunday well ahead of time.

On Sunday, U2, notably one of the biggest bands in the world, will take the stage at the Rose Bowl. Already, the show is being called a historic event.

"This is the biggest concert tour worldwide of 2009. This will be the largest crowd on the tour that the band plays to," said Brian Murphy of Live Nation.

It's called the 360 Tour, and U2 will be playing songs from their latest album "No Line on the Horizon."

For the past several days, workers at the Rose Bowl have been building the show's main feature, a giant claw-like structure meant to give concertgoers a 360-degree view of the band the entire time. It will be the largest concert crowd in Rose Bowl history.

"We are not concerned about the fan base whatsoever. What we are concerned about is getting people here on time," said George Wiley of Pasadena Police.

In fact, parking will definitely be an issue. There are only about 20,000 parking spaces at the Rose Bowl. Organizers advise fans to carpool, take advantage or public transportation or simply park elsewhere.

"Parking is still available, pre-paid parking. It's available here at the Rose Bowl, it's available at Anaheim stadium, Cal State Northridge and UCLA," added Wiley.

"And the most important message we can send out is come early; plan like you're going to the Super Bowl," said Murphy. And like the Super Bowl, you can actually start tailgating for the big concert on Sunday starting at 8 a.m. They're going to be having park picnicking festivities going on all day at the Rose Bowl. If you don't have tickets for the show, you can actually watch the entire show online for free on YouTube.

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