Each of the Sunday interviews lasted about 45 minutes. All three candidates met with the mayor last week, but Sunday, they have the opportunity to make a lasting impression with him before he makes his decision.
Deputy Chief Michel Moore met first with the mayor Sunday. Moore oversees the San Fernando Valley and has been on the force for 28 years.
Next up was Assistant Chief Jim McDonnel, who is also a 28-year police veteran. He's second in command and has served as former chief William Bratton's first assistant.
Deputy Chief Charlie Beck was last to be interviewed Sunday. Beck oversees the detective bureau and has been with the LAPD for 32 years.
The mayor said all the candidates are highly qualified and there is not one who outshines the rest.
Sunday's interviews will give the candidates a chance to show their character and also give them time to say something that they might have forgotten to say during their first round of interviews.
"I wanted to give each candidate a second opportunity. Have you ever been in a job interview when you walk out and say, 'I should have said this, and I didn't' say that, or maybe I should have emphasized the following?' I thought that was important, and I also had some follow-up questions," said the mayor.
"I've been talking to a lot of people and reflecting," he added.
Mayor Villaraigosa has been getting advice from other law enforcement personnel, the city council and also business leaders. Also, he said he's been praying today and that he will be listening to his gut instinct.
The mayor said that though he has a very difficult decision to make, he might reach one Sunday night or he might sleep on it and make an announcement Monday.