Guthrie has twin sons in the Army, Private First Class Phillip Knox is stationed at /*Fort Hood*/. Guthrie was able to reach Phillip on his cell phone. The call was brief, but he was OK.
"He wasn't able to tell me much, but he said, 'Mom, we're OK, me and my wife are fine, quit crying.' Because of course I started crying as soon as I heard his voice. But he says, 'I've got to go mom, I'll call you back later because they're doing a head count,'" said Guthrie.
Guthrie was also able to contact Phillip's twin brother, Michael, a staff sergeant stationed at /*Fort Bliss*/ and soon to be deployed to Iraq for the fourth time.
"My heart just goes out to all those other families of those injured and killed," said Guthrie. "This is just so unreal, this should not have happened."
Guthrie has been told it's unlikely both of her sons would be deployed, but still, there are things to worry about.