"There's no limit for subjects. We go from chemistry, biology and all the way to calculus and 6th grade history," said Hunbo.
But he does not only teach lessons. He organizes others to address a deficiency in the education process.
"He found the need and fulfilled it and he has a lot of his friends working to make sure that other kids are being more successful," said counselor Michele Herald.
Hunbo does charge a small amount for the tutoring. But he turns that money around to spend it on something for the special education students at Serrano high school.
"I often feel that they are excluded from school activities," said Hunbo. "And they're often teased and ignored and it's really hard for me to see that. So, I'm actually planning for a dance just for them, a Valentine's dance."
Even at 18 years of age, Hunbo sees his life as one of service, not only here, but all around the world.
"My life goal is actually to become a doctor, a surgeon. Hopefully, I can retire in my 50's to establish this non-profit organization in a third world country," said Hunbo.
It's education and empathy for everyone from our Cool Kid, Hunbo Shim.