The California Highway Patrol recorded over 100 accidents between midnight and 9 a.m. During the same time period last week, there were about 60.
In Eagle Rock, a minivan crashed into a building. Police were still investigating the cause of the accident, but they said the wet weather was a probable factor.
"Bad weather, and he was probably speeding also," said LAPD officer Jose Rodgriguez. "He lost control of the vehicle and drove into the building."
No one was injured in the crash.
A tanker truck was seen halfway off the road on the northbound 5 Freeway in Echo Park, and in South L.A., a car sheared a fire hydrant, causing a plume of water to shoot into the air.
Wet weather was expected through the weekend, and drivers were urged to check wiper blades and tread on tires. Authorities also urged drivers to slow down and leave a lot of room between the car ahead.