Best food and fitness trends of 2009

LOS ANGELES The diet and fitness trends of tomorrow will be influenced by what happened this year. Food Coach Lori Corbin took a look back at the top food and fitness trends of 2009 to see what's next.

Due to the economy, we stepped out of the gym to do workouts on our own, often with the help of DVDs from dancing to bellying up to the bar.

To save some cash we used back to basic props like soup cans and water bottles, replacing fancy weights. Electronic workouts in tandem with diet programs helped many log-on to slim down.

Fitness programs became more readily available for the graying population. Plus, the concept of using our core kept its popularity as one of the most effective ways to stay fit.

What we put on our feet moved to the forefront with shoes with soles designed to make muscles work harder like rocker bottom shoes and even ones that take away the shock and put a little bit of fun back into fitness like Kangoo Jumps. The fitness footwear helped keep the body guessing and took exercise off auto-pilot.

Yet fads remained fun with saucy, spicy fat burning lip gloss and crazy cycles where you row rather than peddle in the Row Bike.

Fitness equipment became more sophisticated with classes where it's fun to hang out or workouts at the wall for strength and stability by way of the TRX, Reebok Jukari Fit to Fly. We also found special wall units in select gyms that allow the exerciser to hang upside down off of a wall.

We got smarter at the market and made economical meals. We brought more brown bag lunches to work and school, and made leftovers work harder and healthier. Chic to be cheap is the slogan - buying in bulk, cooking once, eating twice or thrice.

Another popular trend was joining a cooking club to cut down on cost and time. Even being green got easier with growing our own food.

Yet ready to eat portable products continue to be a hit like on-the-go oatmeal and the plethora of functional fluids all marketed to help you drink down good health.

When it comes to food there's also good news because many people are still cooking at home. That means their cutting down on sugar, fat and salt from those oversized restaurant portions, so you're saving cash and calories at the same time.

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