Trawick allegedly went on a rampage at the retail store, running through isles and stabbing random customers with two knives she brought with her.
Paramedics took one victim to a hospital with serious injuries, along with another person with less serious injuries. The two other stabbing victims were treated at the scene.
Off-duty Los Angeles County Sheriff's Deputy Clay Grant arrested Trawick in the store after he heard the screams of victims in the aisles. He pulled out his service gun and twice ordered Trawick to drop her knives.
Grant said he chased Trawick down several aisles before she finally complied and threw down her weapons.
Trawick's mother in /*Northern California*/ says her daughter suffers from bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Trawick also has a 6-year-old son.
"She believes that she is a victim of mind control and believes that she is a mind control experiment," said a man named Steve, who says he has been a friend of Trawick for about a year.
"She is not guilty by reason of insanity, she was of diminished capacity. She was surely intoxicated at the time. I think that had she been taking Zoloft she wouldn't have been so desperate," said Steve. "She loves Jesus and she believes in heaven and she believes in God. She is a sweet, gentle, docile person. "
Trawick's bail was set at $4 million. She is due back in court June 22, when a date is scheduled to be set for a hearing to determine if there is enough evidence to require her to stand trial.