"I literally live across the street and all you hear is the noise is crazy," Wallisha Bedford said.
The /*LAPD*/ was out in force and on alert.
"We have a group that kind of /*Twitter*/ themselves out, they show up 100, 200 strong and they test our security," said Lt. /*Darrel Belthius*/. "That's what they're doing right now. That's why we have such police presence."
Some of the security hired for the concert were /*Marines*/ from /*Twentynine Palms*/ to help keep the crowd under control.
"We're authorized to use full force so that makes my job easier," security guard Justin Keelen said.
As of 8 p.m. Saturday, there had been more than 60 arrests, most for narcotics possession and sales. More than two dozen partiers had to be taken to the hospital and another 50 had to be checked out by medical staff at the scene.