The Jackson's neighbor, who is a former volunteer firefighter, helped get the boy out.
"His head was all the way hubbed up against the back of this bar, I went down by his shoulder blades and I cut through the bar this way, away from him," said neighbor Lavern Nobels.
Jessiah's aunt and uncle are emergency medical technicians, so they kept him still on the way to the hospital, knowing any sudden movement in the wrong direction could puncture the blood vessel, killing their nephew.
Surgeons discovered the hook was not only embedded two inches into Jessiah's head, it had also made a 90-degree turn inside his brain.
"The biggest complexity is that we have all of these challenges in a very young baby boy, whose amount of blood volume to begin with is not as high as yours or mine. So a few drops of blood here or there make a huge difference," said Dr. Anand Germanwala of the North Carolina Children's hospital.
Despite those challenges, the surgery went well, and doctors said Jessiah's prognosis is excellent.
"He's alert and back to his old self, to where he was before the accident. So with the help of the good lord and 'Dr. G,' he's a miracle baby," said Joseph Jones, Jessiah's grandfather.