The twins' conservation design included a very noticeable change to the look of the popular theme park.
"We are working with them about getting one of their biggest lakes in the park drained and fill it with a desert landscape," said Alex.
Between draining a lake and posting reminders all around the park, Todd and Alex had to impress those at the corporate level.
"The great thing about Alex and Todd, it wasn't just about the idea. It was about the idea, putting it together, doing the research, talking to the people, doing the interviews and putting together an all-encompassing plan," said Jay Thomas, park president of Six Flags Magic Mountain and Hurricane Harbor.
A theme park is a large area, but Todd and Alex want to take it on an even bigger scale.
"We're looking at the possibilities of opening this up to a generic company version that other companies can take and say, 'we can use those tools to educate our employees.' So, it opens up a new window of educating the entire Santa Clarita Valley," said Alex.
At a time when water conservation is a concern, Todd and Alex Davis are two Cool Kids who are leading the way to a solution.