"He came up from behind her while walking her dog," said Nicole Harris, sister of an alleged victim.
Nicole Harris alleges her younger sister was one of his victims three weeks ago after 9 a.m.
"He groped her from the back but in the chest area and then took off running," said Harris.
Police say the suspect comes up from behind women walking alone. Most of the cases happened between 6 and 9 a.m. going back to mid-July.
"In some instances he's actually said 'thank you' to the women and then ran off," said Long Beach Police Sgt. Aaron Eaton.
Police handed out flyers to area residents to try to catch the suspect and warn residents.
"I get scared because I have two little children playing around here, I have an older daughter, I have a son, they have to walk back and forth to the bus stop for their school and stuff, so it's very scary," said Long Beach resident Tasha Jackson.
Police say the suspect is a black male between 16 and 22 years old, about 5 feet 3 to 5 feet 5 inches tall, weighing about 140 to 160 pounds. He's been described as being pigeon-toed and walking with a limp.
"We're just hoping that they find the person because we know that he's touched more than one person," said Nicole Harris.
Police warn residents to be alert and cautious and to avoid walking alone if possible.
If you recognize the suspect or have information related to the case, you're asked to call /*Long Beach Police*/ at (562) 435-6711. You can also call 911 if you see the suspect.