Study: Calif. roads among worst in country

LOS ANGELES The report found that across the country, highways are in the best shape they have been in 20 years, but California was ranked number 48 out of the 50 states.

The report was released by The Reason Foundation, which is based in /*Los Angeles*/. According to the study, the roads are in good shape around the country, because the economy is so bad. Less people are driving, which means less wear and tear.

In California, even with the bad economy, there still is lot of traffic problems. The report also points out that the road conditions in the state are very bad. The road pavements are cracked and broken, and there are a lot of pot holes.

"I avoid certain places because I don't want to do the drive out there, because I know the freeways are going to be bad," said motorist Zinnia Cress.

Drivers said it not only takes a toll on the commute, but also on their cars.

"It's terrible... lots of pot holes that damages the car," said another driver John Guedikian.

Other states that also didn't do so well in the study were /*Hawaii*/ and Rhode Island.

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