Storro's account about being attacked with acid started falling apart when investigators in Vancouver, Wash. noticed the burn marks on her face didn't match the details she gave of how the attack happened.
On Aug. 30 she told police she was walking out of store when an /*African American*/ woman with a pony tail yelled, "hey pretty girl want something to drink.'
She claimed the woman then threw the acid in her face.
Storro said she was wearing sunglasses at the time and that saved her eyes.
It was another part of her story that didn't make sense, since she claimed the attack happened in the evening.
Police grew suspicious and started an investigation, they even searched her apartment for evidence.
"A number of items were seized as a result of that search warrant, and subsequent to that, an interview was conducted with the victim. During the interview, Miss Storro admitted that her injuries were self-inflicted," said /*Vancouver*/ Police Chief Clifford Cook.
It is still not clear why Storro made up the account.
"She is extremely upset. She is very remorseful. In many ways this is something that just got bigger than what she expected, and she has shown that this has affected her a great deal," said police commander Maria Schuman.
A fund was also set up to help Storro. Police said they are working on a way to return that money.
The 28-year-old also was supposed to appear on the /*Oprah Winfrey*/ show to talk about her ordeal, but that appearance was cancelled.
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