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Devastated neighborhoods are trying to prepare for the cold Pacific system on the way that could bring lots of rain and snow.
We've had major roof damage," said David Reaume of Pasadena. "Our tarp has got to stay on there, otherwise half the house is going to get worse."
The home suffered extensive damage to its interior and exterior, including a gaping hole in the roof.
Crews on Sunday were still busy [picking up the piles of leaves, branches and other debris piled up on Pasadena streets. Some residents did their part, sweeping and raking debris to the curbside.
Officials are concerned that a storm will trigger debris flow that could clog up storm drains.
The imminent stor is expected to bring 1/4 to 1 inch of rain.
The mountains will see about 10 inches of snow in elevations above 5,000 feet.