This time, the state is taking aim at bus service, and for parents it could mean a lot more driving.
"Everything changes at the day-to-day logistical level, and everything changes also psychologically at the political level. I just think it's another manifestation of the breakdown of policy," said parent Mark Ulano.
For L.A. Unified, the cuts would add up to about $38 million.
Bus service, officials say, is mandated by federal rules to desegregate the district. Caught between the governor and the federal government, the district has decided to file a lawsuit against the state.
"They violate at least two constitutional rights of the students in Los Angeles, and one of them is they violate I.D. segregation court order, which we live under, which provides the transportation of our entire magnet program, and it patently violates students with special needs transportation," said LAUSD Superintendent John Deasy.
The fight follows a series of cuts to education over the last few years and it's starting to take a toll on morale.
It's not just school district officials and parents who are feeling these cuts, students are feeling it too, and they're starting to see it in the classroom.
"It's coming down hard. I can feel it in the arts. We're running out of paper, and we have to cut back on some things," said student Mitch Forte.
With a court battle brewing between the district and the state, everybody knows the budget is not going to get better anytime soon, and that means even more cuts could still be on the way.
It's not just school bussing that's facing the budget acts with this latest round of cuts. Higher education is also looking at more cuts to their budgets, as well as care for seniors.