A 200-pound bear was hit by a car near the 210 Freeway in La Canada Flintridge on Sunday morning. The bear had to be euthanized after fish and game wardens determined the animal's injuries were too severe.
Meantime, another bear broke into a Monrovia home on Hidden Valley Road and helped itself to some food out of the refrigerator. According to Monrovia Patch, the home belongs to former Monrovia Mayor Lara Larramendi.
Larramendi called police after seeing a bear trying to enter the back door of her home just before 11:30 a.m., according to Patch.com. Animal Control officers found the bear outside the home when they arrived and made sure it went back up into the hills.
The Monrovia watch commander could not confirm what the bear ate while inside the home, but according to Patch.com, the animal helped itself to four boneless pork loin steaks and barbecue sauce from Larramendi's fridge.
Correction: In an earlier version of the story, we did not properly attribute information regarding the Monrovia bear sighting to Patch.com.
The Associated Press and Monrovia Patch contributed to this report.