I've now covered all five "Twilight" premieres, and as premieres go, it really doesn't get any bigger than this. The stars greeted the fans who lined the entrance to the theatres at L.A. Live in downtown Los Angeles. Some fans waited for days.
"I'm still in shock from the first one, but just seeing how sweet everybody is this time, just showing their appreciation for the whole series," said one of the film's stars, Robert Pattinson.
Kellan Lutz always gives an unsuspecting 'Twi-hard' a ticket to these premieres.
"One lucky fan," he said as he held the coveted ticket. "Who's it going to be?"
We watched much of the cast grow up in these movies. Kristen Stewart was 17 in the first one. She's 22 now.
"This whole becoming a vampire thing is a huge metaphor for growing up," she said. "I think even though I'm still really young, I definitely credit 'Twilight' with a lot of confidence that I have."
"Breaking Dawn - Part 2" is the series' grand finale. But because of the scope of the final story, new characters come out to play.
"People love this in a way that they don't love anything else, so you have to realize that it's in its own contained world and life outside this situation is real, and this is not real," said actor Rami Malek.
"Breaking Dawn - Part 2" opens Friday.
"We've put everything into every single movie, but especially this last one," said one of the film's stars, Taylor Lautner. "We pay tribute not only to this film, but to the entire franchise and I think the fans will appreciate that."