Rick and Charity Arnold's infant daughter, Paisley Mae Arnold, was born without a left coronary artery.
Following the terrifying news that Paisley's heart was failing, an artificial heart was attached to Paisley's three weeks ago. The device, known as Berlin Heart, will hopefully buy Paisley some time until she ultimately receives a transplant.
Over the weekend, parents Ricky and Charity got to hold their precious baby girl for the first time since the delicate operation.
The blood drive is being held at Fire Station 311, located at 61200 Desert Knoll Drive in Victorville from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Anyone interested in donating to her fund can do so online at www.gofundme.com/24qipk or in person at a Wells Fargo bank branch under the Paisley Mae Arnold Medical Fund.
For updates on Paisley Mae, visit www.Facebook.com/ChangeofHeartforPaisleyMae.