"Even though I knew what was going to happen, I had read the script and everything, and I did the movie, I still felt nervous while I was watching it," she said. "So it definitely gets your heart going."
She also says one scene in particular could have you feeling trapped along with the character.
"It's definitely terrifying, once you are in the trunk, you are super claustrophobic," she said. "Like if you have any little bit of claustrophobia, you are going to be claustrophobic in a trunk, that will bring it out in you."
Breslin started working in films at the age of 6 and earned an Oscar nomination for her 2006 role in "Little Miss Sunshine."
She's grown up in the spotlight, and with 34 films on her resume already, this 16-year-old actress enjoys having a wide age-range of fans.
"It's really always fun when people come up and say hi, I always love it because they are always so nice, and you know they are just saying that they like my movies, which is awesome, so I love hearing that," she said.
In November, we'll see Abigail as part of an all-star ensemble in "August: Osage County." Breslin calls herself lucky to work with a cast that is topped by names like Meryl Streep, and Julia Roberts.
"I was so lucky to work on that movie," she said. "I felt like I was in film school, I am just going to be quiet here and soak up as much as I can and just be chill about the whole thing, but it was definitely nerve-racking to work with that amount of talent."
"The Call" is rated R and hits theaters Friday.