Jail inmates are often released early due to overcrowding. Brown will still have to wear an ankle bracelet for eight days, according to L.A. County sheriff's spokesman Steve Whitmore.
"Mr. Brown has accepted responsibility for what occurred last October 2012," said Brown's representative Christopher Brown in a statement. "Mr. Brown is pleased that the matter has been resolved and to be home with his wife and young son."
Brown pleaded no contest to DUI and driving on a suspended license in February. In addition to jail time, Brown was placed on four years informal probation and ordered to complete an 18-month alcohol treatment program.
The incident was Brown's second DUI in less than a year and third DUI charge overall. He avoided jail time in March 2012 by pleading no contest. His first DUI arrest was in 1996 when he led police on a high-speed chase.
The 44-year-old New Edition singer was married to Whitney Houston. They divorced in 2007.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.