The big cat was first spotted at a Glendale park in the 4000 block of New York Street at 2:13 p.m. The mountain lion, estimated to be about 120 pounds, then wandered into a residential area, jumping from yard to yard.
"I have a sliding glass door in our patio, and there he is, looking in on me, and my dog Max, he goes crazy. He's hitting the sliding glass door, and the cat isn't moving. They're face to face," said John Yankosky of La Crescenta.
California Department of Fish and Wildlife wardens tranquilized the male cat, but it kept moving. The mountain lion crawled under a wooden patio. Officers were able tranquilize him again and remove him from the area. Wardens drove him to Angeles National Forest to release him back into the habitat.
Officials believe the mountain lion came down a wash that runs from the mountains down through the city.