Trayvon Martin supporters march in Beverly Hills


It's not their first protest in the days following the not guilty verdict in the case, but demonstrators gathered where they felt their message should be heard; it's a place they called "the epicenter of white upper class America."

The group Justice for Trayvon Martin-Los Angeles marched through Beverly Hills, heading north on La Cienega Boulevard, and then west on Wilshire Boulevard.

"We think it's important that every community has the opportunity to express their support for federal civil rights charges against George Zimmerman for violating the civil rights of Trayvon Martin," said protester Jubilee Shine.

Beverly Hills police escorted the group, allowing them to walk in one lane of traffic during rush hour and stopping along the way to rally. The protesters hope their visibility will be noticed by the Justice Department.

"It does help to be out here. We understand that public pressure is the only thing that's going to make them press charges against him," said protester Keyanna Celina.

The marchers covered 50 blocks roundtrip. No arrests were made. It was a peaceful protest designed to spur conversations about the case and what many people there see as the root cause of the shooting: racial profiling.

"To be a minority and to know a lot of people who have been in that situation, you know, it's horrifying, it's degrading," said protester Samantha Alsina.

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