This latest accuser, Peggy Shannon, worked part-time at City Hall on senior citizens' issues. She's now filed an official complaint after what she calls repeated abuse that lasted for months.
Shannon says Filner would visit her desk at City Hall several times a day, often asking her on dates.
"On the day that Mayor Filner grabbed me and kissed me, I was so surprised I went home and cried," said Shannon at a Thursday news conference with attorney Gloria Allred. "On the day that Mayor Filner came by my desk and asked me if I thought he go could eight hours in one night, I was shocked that he would say that to me."
"Mayor Filner, you suggested that you can go eight hours. But Mayor Filner, we don't care how long you can go, we just want you to go as quickly as possible," said Allred.
Fifteen other women have come forward, saying Filner sexually harassed them and are asking for him to resign.
The San Diego City Council is now investigating Filner's use of the city's credit card, which has been frozen. Documents show he's racked up $11,000 in charges paid by taxpayers, and has only paid the city back for one charge.
Filner has been banned from eating in San Diego Hooters restaurants among other establishments.
The San Diego Union-Tribune cable channel produced a Web video parody calling for Filner to resign.
The questions about the credit card could prove to be vitally important. The San Diego city attorney says there is a loophole in the city charter that says a city officer who "willfully approves or allows unauthorized payments from the city treasury is subject to removal from office."
In theory, if this is proven to be true, the city council could vote in closed session to ask a judge to remove Filner and avoid the recall process altogether.