It all goes back to his arrest four years ago for assaulting then-girlfriend Rihanna. Brown will have to report to a probation officer in the next 48 hours. His probation won't be up until at least August of next year.
Brown, 24, didn't speak during Friday's hearing, other than to agree to the deal worked out.
Back then, the judge sentenced Brown to five years probation and 180 days of community labor. Brown did his community service in his home state of Virginia. But the Richmond district attorney said he didn't submit proper paperwork and was actually in other locations when he reported serving.
Brown's probation was revoked July 15 after prosecutors filed criminal charges claiming Brown failed to stop and provide a proper ID following a traffic accident that Brown tweeted about.
Those charges were eventually dropped when Brown came to an agreement with the driver. As part of his latest deal, his probation will be reinstated, but he won't get any credit for his work in Virginia. He'll essentially start over with community work, this time supervised by Los Angeles County.
Brown now has a choice of how to perform his community labor. He can choose California Department of Transportation highway clean-up, beach clean-up or graffiti removal.
Brown has a year to perform the work and is scheduled to appear in court Nov. 20 for a progress report.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.