He did that and much more, according to allegations filed with the Labor Commission. The claim asks why was a sergeant who was typically involved in fraud and burglary investigations even present at the death scene? And why did he have to get so close to Houston's body?
Brian Weir is the former Beverly Hills Police sergeant was on scene that night, February 11, 2012.
Weir alleges that a co-worker, Detective Sergeant Terry Nutall, may have violated state and federal statutes by getting too close to Houston's body without the permission of the coroner. The details emerge from a labor complaint obtained by Eyewitness News. Weir says that he was targeted for retaliation as a result.
He says Nutall, for no legitimate law enforcement inquiry, knelt beside and leaned over Houston, removed the sheet that covered her and made inappropriate comments. Weir states that Nutall said something to the effect of: "Looked attractive for a woman of her age and current state," and, "She's still looking good, huh?"
The Beverly Hills Police Department has no comment on pending legal action.
However, before police officials were aware of the filing, Lt. Lincoln Hoshino said the department was unaware of any inappropriate behavior or comments as alleged. Hoshino says that Nutall's presence at the scene was justified.
"He would be expected to respond to that type of incident and his supervisor was fully aware that he went to the scene," said Hoshino.
The coroner determined that the 48-year-old Houston died of accidental drowning. Cocaine use and a heart condition were listed as contributing factors.
Since Houston's death, Nutall has been promoted to lieutenant.
Weir states in his complaint that he has been subjected to removal from the SWAT and K-9 units, lost overtime compensation and has been harassed.
The claim is a precursor to the filing of a lawsuit. Weir says he has suffered emotional distress.
Weir is still employed at Beverly Hills P.D., but in patrol instead of SWAT.
Beverly Hills P.D. is making no additional comment on this matter.
Eyewitness News contacted a representative of Houston's estate but received no comment.