"You simply cannot confuse justice with vengeance. Everybody wants justice and everybody should have justice, but vengeance has no part in our system," said Flynt.
Flynt has had a long time to think about vengeance. More than three decades ago, he was left paralyzed from the waist down by a serial killer's bullets. That man, Joseph Franklin, is set to be executed next month for a series of racially motivated murders, but Flynt doesn't want him to die.
"I think keeping someone in a 3 by 6 cell for the rest of their lives is a great deal more punishment than just sniffing their life out in a second with a fatal injection," said Flynt.
Flynt says he would support the death penalty if he thought it was a deterrent, but he says history proves it's not. The 70-year-old also says he hates how much execution costs taxpayers compared to life without parole.
As for Franklin, who confessed to shooting Flynt years later after he was arrested for killing an interracial couple, Flynt says he would like to exact his own punishment.
"I'd love to have one hour alone with him in a small room with a pair of wire pliers and screw driver. I'd like to inflict the same kind of pain he inflicted on me," said Flynt.
Flynt has never come face to face with his attacker, and while he says he won't be losing any sleep over Franklin's scheduled execution, he does want to take the opportunity as a victim to speak out against the death penalty.
"I think it's wrong, and I think the government should not be in the business of killing people. It's just that simple," said Flynt.
While Flynt says he does want to torture Franklin, he does not want to kill him and he does not want to see Franklin die.