Ginnifer Goodwin talks fairy tale, real life


Goodwin is into her third season playing the dual roles of real "Mary Margaret" and her fairy tale alter ego "Snow White." Concerning her two roles, she definitely has a favorite.

"Oh, Snow White, hands down. No offense to Mary Margaret, but she really gets on my nerves sometimes," said Goodwin.

The series began with prince charming waking his true love with a kiss. Through thick and thin since then, the prince and Snow have found their true loves.

"It really is something unconditional. And though they have a lot of conflict, the foundation of their relationship is never in question. Ever since the curse broke, it's never been a question that they wouldn't be together in some capacity," said Goodwin.

The fairy tale couple later became a real-life couple and recently got engaged. Goodwin and Josh Dallas may be on their own to "happily ever after," but on the show, Good says "she kind of hopes not."

"Because, I mean, I feel like that's kind of the dangling carrot. That's what we have to keep our audience with us until the very end of the series. As sort as contrived as that sounds, I hope we kind of keep things tumultuous until the end, and that we do save those happy endings," Goodwin said.

"Once Upon A Time" airs Sunday nights at 8 p.m. on ABC7.

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