Annual Jackson Limousine turkey giveaway short on donations


The 31st Annual Jackson Limousine Service Turkey Dinner Giveaway in South L.A. begins Tuesday, yet dozens of people were already camped outside the business to ensure they get a turkey dinner.

Volunteers are hoping to hand out 10,000 of the bags of food Tuesday. Each will have a turkey, of course, plus dressing, vegetables, canned goods and more.

Jackson Limousine Volunteer Gail Lynn says as a single mother struggling to make ends meet she understands why some people are in line a day early to get a Thanksgiving turkey.

"I should be in the line," said Lynn. "But I'm here helping."

Company owner E.J. Jackson says while he struggles to bring in enough donations to feed the hungry every year, this year he has only been able to bring in half of what he usually brings in. He believes the massive donation effort to help the typhoon victims in the Philippines has hurt his fundraising abilities this year. He is hoping extra donations pour in by Tuesday morning.

"We're always looking for an angel, investor, donor, whatever, somebody else will come and just bring turkeys, bring canned goods. God will touch someone's heart," said E.J. Jackson.

The giveaway kicks off at 8 a.m.

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