Bruce Springsteen signs Philadelphia fifth-grader's absence note

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Friday, September 30, 2016
Michael Fenerty of Philadelphia poses for a photo with Bruce Springsteen, who signed a note excusing the fifth-grader from a school absence.
Michael Fenerty of Philadelphia poses for a photo with Bruce Springsteen, who signed a note excusing the fifth-grader from a school absence.
Mike Fenerty

PHILADELPHIA (KABC) -- A Philadelphia fifth-grader ditched school for a chance to meet Bruce Springsteen and got the best absence excuse note of all time - signed by "The Boss" himself.

Michael Fenerty attended a meet-and-greet with Springsteen on Thursday at a book signing at the Free Library of Philadelphia, where the singer is promoting his new autobiography, "Born to Run."

Wanting to follow school procedure, the boy and his dad brought a pre-typed absence note for Springsteen to sign. They said he gladly went along with it and signed the note.

Michael also got a picture with the rock legend! He and his dad kept the note and made a copy to turn in at school.

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