SoCal police step up seat belt enforcement for Memorial Day weekend

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Sunday, May 27, 2018

MANHATTAN BEACH, Calif. (KABC) -- This Memorial Day weekend, police departments in SoCal are stepping up their seatbelt enforcement. The message is simple, "Click It or Ticket."

According to the Manhattan Beach Police Department, 800,000 Californians aren't buckling up.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) says, fatalities are up nationwide for the first time in five years.

People who don't buckle-up, stand a 50 percent greater chance of being killed in an accident. Police say if those stats don't convince you to use your seat belt, perhaps a ticket will.

The cost for a seat belt violation in California for occupants over age 16 is $161 for a first offense. The penalty fees for any child under the age of 16 is $490 per child for a first offense, plus a violation point added to the driver's record.

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