CHICAGO -- Five young people were charged in a robbery attempt to get a $500 bicycle, but it was not your usual mugging.
Prosecutors said the attackers were college-bound young men who arrived in a Mercedes-Benz. In court, it was stated that one of the teens arrested had a higher ACT score than that of his attorney.
The alleged attack was captured by surveillance cameras and lasted for several minutes. The 20-year-old man was reportedly beaten with baseball bats and a metal pipe and sprayed in the eyes with mace.
The alleged attack took place Tuesday at a gas station in Wicker Park, Illinois.
Patrick Moran, 18, allegedly arranged to meet the victim, who was selling a bicycle. Prosecutors said Moran tried to snatch the bike and then 18-year-olds Carter Coates, Andrew Patterson and Michael Kralis - as well as an unnamed juvenile - emerged from a parked Mercedes-Benz with weapons in hand.
Despite being outnumbered, prosecutors said the victim clung to the bicycle and was dragged and beaten. Police eventually arrived and arrested the teens, who reportedly tried to blame the victim.
In court, it was learned that Moran is an honors graduate bound for the University of Michigan, and Coates earned a scholarship to attend Cal Polytechnic Institute.
All are now charged with felony armed robbery and aggravated battery with a deadly weapon. Bond was set at $75,000 on Wednesday.
Despite the alleged attack, police said the victim suffered only minor injuries.