RENTON, Washington -- An honest and caring tweet landed a Washington State college student in a world of debt within a matter of hours.
Danni Messina was trying to pay it forward over Thanksgiving break, so she sent out a tweet about giving back to St. Jude Hospital.
The tweet said Messina would donate 25 cents for every "favorite" and 50 cents for every "retweet" to the hospital.
The only problem is within hours she had thousands of retweets and favorites. Finally, she had more than 200,000 retweets and 465,000 favorites. That translates to more than $200,000.
Obviously realizing she had gotten in a little over her head, Danni pressed pause on the challenge, but still wanted to follow through on her promise.
She started a "GoFundMe" page to ask the public for a little assistance. So far, she's raised more than $55,000 to donate to St. Jude.