Can you shop the 12 days of Christmas?
LOS ANGELES -- The Holidays are a time for giving and this year supporting local businesses is more important than ever.
The Localish LA team decided to see if they could buy all of the items from the famous Holiday song, "The Twelve Days of Christmas" locally and if so, what it would cost.
Since there were so many items on the list, the tasks were split up between each of us with Andrea, Localish Producer, making the first call to Tansy in Burbank to see if she could get her hands on a partridge in a pear tree.
Between chasing down all the birds that are featured (and there's a lot!) to spending big on golden rings. Finding pipers piping and drummers drumming, and tracking down the dancers and the lords leaping, the team managed to get all twelve days of Christmas. Now, some creative license was used when it came to the actual items (eight maids milking became 8 maids cleaning and the Los Angeles School of Gymnastics were able to quote gymnasts instead of actual lords leaping) but rest assured, if you wanted to buy all the items listed in the song for your true love locally, it is possible.
The grand total to make all of these purchases? $77,343.
Perhaps they'd like a new car instead?
Here's a list of the local businesses we contacted:
Los Angeles School of Gymnastics
Happy Holidays from the Localish LA team