REDLANDS, Calif. (KABC) -- A woman found animal parts scattered across her doorstep at her Redlands home, and police were looking into the incident as a case of vile vandalism.
Barbara Stewart said she woke up around 5 a.m. Sunday to take her dog outside to go to the bathroom, when she saw two cut-off pigs' feet in the front porch.
"It looked really fresh. It looked like it was purchased at a market, or something like that, because it was clean," she added.
But that wasn't all. Stewart found heads and feet of different animals.
"Chicken feet, fish parts - fish heads, other half of the fish. There were two pigs' feet, one strewn in one part, and a lot of chicken feet everywhere," she said.
Her husband's truck was also covered in flour, forcing the couple to file a police report.
Stewart said its vandalism and thinks the animal parts were purchased at a specialty market.
She called the trash company and asked that everything be picked up quickly.
Regardless of whether it's just a sick joke, Stewart said behavior like this needs to stop.
"I just can't imagine doing something like that to a person, that's just gross, it's nasty, literally," she added. "It's just very upsetting, I'm reeling from it..."