STOCKTON, Calif. (KABC) -- A Northern California girl became a hero when she saved her younger brother's life by pushing him out of the way of a speeding car.
Rosie Carino, 11, was at the playground with her brother when he stepped out onto the street. She saw a car racing toward him and she managed to get her sibling out of the way, but she ended up getting hit.
"My first instinct was to push my brother out of the way," she said.
A campus supervisor said she heard kids screaming and ran through the playground where she found Rosie laying on the ground.
Rosie was taken to the hospital and had suffered a fractured pelvis and some bruising from the collision.
Her kindergartner brother, Sergio Sanchez, bruised his forehead because he fell in the road after his sister pushed him, but he was grateful for what she did.
"Rosie saved my life," he said.
Rosie's friends and teachers now call her a hero.
But the car that hit her got away. Police are looking at city cameras to see if they can find the hit-and-run driver.