'Bachelor' Peter visits hometowns, skips dinner with Victoria F's family

ByJennifer Matarese KABC logo
Tuesday, February 18, 2020

NEW YORK -- "The Bachelor" Peter Weber visited his final four women's hometowns and met their families. Well, most of them anyway.

Hannah Ann's Hometown Date

His first stop was Knoxville, TN to visit Hannah Ann's family. Hannah Ann greeted Peter on a rainy day and took him to an axe throwing place to "make a man out of him" because her dad "Ranger Rick" is in the lumber industry. Last week, she gave him a note that detailed all the reasons she's falling in love with him and so this week, he gave her one back.

At her parents' house, Peter met her mother, father, and sister. Hannah Ann's sister is gorgeous and her parents look so young! Her father though, had a hard time hiding his skeptical face. He kept his lips pursed despite the fact that Hannah Ann and Peter talked about how badly they hoped the axe throwing would impress him. During his talk with Peter, her dad urged him not to tell Hannah Ann that he is falling in love with her unless he really, really means it. In the end, of course Peter told her that he's falling for her and Hannah Ann returned the sentiment with "I love you." He asked her to say it again and said he loved hearing that. There really does seem to be a growing love in their relationship.

Kelsey's Hometown Date

Peter's next stop was Des Moines, Iowa to visit Kelsey. They started off by stomping some grapes with their bare feet at a winery. It was awkward. Peter is definitely attracted to her, but does their relationship go deeper? Before they went to meet her mother, Kelsey told Peter that she loves him. He didn't say anything in return at first, but he kissed her. He left it by saying, "It makes me really happy."

He met her sisters, mother and stepfather. They shared a lovely meal together and were very welcoming to Peter. Kelsey's mother said that it takes a lot for Kelsey to open up and she knows that Peter is so special to her. She is concerned about Kelsey getting her heart broken though.

Madison's Hometown Date

In Auburn, Alabama, Madison took Peter to the university first to see where her father works and to have some fun on the basketball court. They got a special video message from Charles Barkley and the coach met them to put them through a few drills.

Madison's parents welcomed them by giving "Maddie" the "special plate" at dinner. When someone gets the "special plate" they have to go around and say something nice about that person. After a toast with sweet tea, they broke off to have some conversations with Madison's parents. Her father said that he wouldn't give a blessing to Peter until he knows for sure that he wants to marry Madison. He flat out asked Peter if "he knows" and Peter couldn't give a straight answer. Madison is not yet sure if she and Peter are on the same "faith" wavelength, so she did not drop the L-bomb.

Victoria F.'s Hometown Date

They saved the most dramatic for last, Victoria F. and her hometown of Virginia Beach. She introduced Peter to her dog on the beach. As she jumped into Peter's arms, her dog took off into the ocean. Then, they took pictures wearing old timey clothes, shared an ice cream on the boardwalk, and took a walk. She led him to a nearby bar and Hunter Hayes was there doing a concert for them! This was a step up from the awkwardness of the Chase Rice concert. Peter is a huge fan so he was super happy. Unfortunately, that was short lived.

A girl named Marissa that Peter used to date approached him, said she knew Victoria, and he needs to be careful. She said, "I don't think you deserve what you're on a date with right now," she said. Marissa said that she used to be friends with her, but there has been many relationships broken up because of her. Peter was completely crushed.

As Victoria stood outside waiting for Peter, her family awaited his arrival anxiously inside. Peter told Victoria that Marissa told him that she broke up numerous relationships. Victoria was flabbergasted and said she was "disgusted" with their conversation. Then she said that he was accusing her of things, and that he decided that what Marissa said was more important than meeting her family. Peter said she doesn't fight for anything she wants. Peter said he's constantly trying to talk her down. She was walked off crying and yelled at the camera operator to leave her alone. Eventually, she wandered back, Peter apologized and said that he doesn't want Victoria to think he's taking Marissa's side. She asked him why he was willing to stay and he said it's because she means a lot to him. "You deserve to be loved," Peter said. "Don't push that away." He then got in the car and drove off! Victoria's mom came out and hugged her as she cried in the driveway. Then the whole family was out there! "You always have us," her dad said.

The next morning, Peter felt awful. Victoria visited him at his hotel room and wanted to talk to him. He told her that he can't continually deal with someone who is going to walk away all the time. Victoria cried and said she's trying hard, and she can't walk away from him. He said, "But you kind of do." She told him that if he doesn't want to continue with her, she understands, but she wants him to know that she's falling for him. He told her he needs time to think.

Rose Ceremony

After a long week of visits, Peter had to choose his three remaining women to go on Fantasy Suite dates.

1) Hannah Ann

2) Madison

3) Victoria

Peter walked Kelsey out and apologized to her. She said she didn't see the breakup coming, and she said she was in shock. He said he appreciated her saying that she loved him, but he wasn't there.

Next Week

The three remaining women and Peter will go on their Fantasy Suite dates next week in Australia. Madison decided to reveal her big secret to Peter before they left for Australia. She gave him an ultimatum that their relationship cannot move forward if he sleeps with one of the other women.

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