ABC7 Celebrates WorldPride NYC 2019

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

NEW YORK -- This month, the world remembers the 50th Anniversary of the Stonewall uprising in New York City, and this weekend, ABC7 will bring you a series of live reports and specials commemorating the LGBTQ+ milestone.

In June 1969, the Stonewall uprising was a series of violent confrontations between police and gay rights activists outside the Stonewall Inn, a gay bar in Greenwich Village.

Although there were gay rights organizations and protests before Stonewall, many consider it the birth of the LGBTQ+ pride movement.

To commemorate Stonewall, the WorldPride committee is bringing their international celebration to the United States for the first time. New York is playing host city to the WorldPride festivities for the entire month of June.

Millions of visitors are expected to participate in what's being billed as the largest celebration of LGBTQ+ rights ever, which culminates with the NYC Pride March on Sunday, June 30.

  • ABC7's Karl Schmid will have live reports from WorldPride on editions of Eyewitness News, Friday, June 28 - Sunday, June 30.

  • ABC News will have special pre-parade coverage of the NYC Pride March Sunday, June 30 at 8 a.m. PT on ABC News Live, on the ABC News App and at ABC News on any streaming device.

  • Our sister station, ABC7 in New York, is the official broadcast partner for WorldPride. You can catch their live coverage of the NYC Pride March, Sunday June 30, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. PT on their web site.

  • Sunday, June 30 at 6:30 p.m., ABC7 will air a special program entitled "ABC7 Celebrates WorldPride NYC."

  • The show will feature the organizers of the NYC Pride March and we'll hear from celebs like Whoopi Goldberg, Ciarra, RuPaul, MJ Rodriguez and Billy Porter about the importance of this year's celebrations.

    The presentation will also look back at the history of the LGBTQ+ movement, and we'll hear from some of those who witnessed the Stonewall uprising first-hand.

    Check out for stories about the LGBTQ+ community and their allies, and share your Pride with #abc7pride.