Village for Vets nonprofit help homeless, at-risk vets in Los Angeles navigate VA services

Friday, July 30, 2021
INGLEWOOD, Calif. (KABC) -- Village for Vets is a nonprofit that started in 2016. They work with different organizations to make it easier for homeless and at-risk veterans in Los Angeles to access a wide range of support services, making sure they don't fall through the cracks.

One of the many services they provide are meals.

"Anything I don't have to pay for is obviously a gift," said Tom Scandlyn, a Navy veteran who's benefiting from the organization.

Marcie Polier is the founder of the organization.

"When we see homeless veterans, it breaks our hearts. It's our mission to help veterans," said Polier. "It's about 6,000 meals a month that we are providing."

Polier said she started the nonprofit because of the first-hand experience she went through with her brother, a Navy veteran who was trying to navigate the VA services.

"I began accompanying him to all of his visits at the VA," said Polier. "And my brother became stable after six years. I looked around and saw so many vets. No one had helpers with them like my brother did."

The organization also helps veterans find a home.

"I have my own apartment. The freedom of having that privacy and the things that they provide for me, I feel it has really helped my life," said Albert Nevarez, an Army veteran who benefits from the program.

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