LAPD releases bodycam footage of tense confrontation with stabbing suspect

Sunday, November 26, 2023
DOWNTOWN LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- The Los Angeles Police Department has released new body camera video of a dramatic confrontation with a man armed with a knife.

Much of the deadly incident unfolded inside a downtown L.A. apartment building on Oct. 26. The department released the footage as its investigation continues.

Authorities say it all began when the suspect, 67-year-old Loc Duong, pulled out a large knife and suddenly attacked a man on the corner of 6th and Spring streets.

The violence continued after he headed to his apartment, during which time he stabbed a second man he passed in the hallway.

As some officers rushed to help that victim, others confronted Duong as he came out of his apartment armed with a 10-inch knife. Officers repeatedly used non-lethal foam rounds and a Taser to try to stop him.

"He continued to advance towards the officers while repeatedly telling the officers to kill him. After the officers fired the final Taser probes at Duong, he stopped advancing and suddenly began to stab himself repeatedly in the abdominal area with the knife he was holding," Captain Kelly Muniz said in the department's briefing on the incident.

When it was all over, Duong and his two innocent victims were all taken to the hospital. Authorities say Duong and one of the stabbing victims both later died at the hospital.

The second victim was left critically injured.

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