POLL: 60 percent of California finds Brett Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford's story believable

Friday, September 28, 2018
More than half of California found Christine Blasey Ford's story believable, and about one-third found Brett Kavanaugh's testimony believable, according to an exclusive Eyewitness News poll conducted by Survey USA.

The poll, which queried 1,100 adults from California, found that 60 percent found Ford's story believable, and 35 percent found Kavanaugh's testimony believable. The poll also found that California was split when asked if Kavanaugh has the temperament to be a justice on the Supreme Court -- 41 percent said yes; 47 percent said no; 11 percent they were not sure.
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Here are the poll's questions and the respondents' answers, by percentage:

Do you know who Brett Kavanaugh is?

70% Yes
24% No
6% Not Sure

How much attention have you been paying to news stories about Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court of the United States?

62% A Lot
35% A Little
2% None At All
0% Not Sure

Focusing on just the events from today ... how much testimony from the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing did you listen to?

32% Almost All Of It
46% Some Of It
21% Almost None Of It
1% Not Sure

Is your opinion of Brett Kavanaugh...favorable? Unfavorable? Neutral? Or do you have no opinion of Kavanaugh one way or the other?

33% Favorable
53% Unfavorable
12% Neutral
2% No Opinion

Is your opinion of Christine Blasey Ford...favorable? Unfavorable? Neutral? Or do you have no opinion of Blasey Ford one way or the other?

49% Favorable
18% Unfavorable
27% Neutral
6% No Opinion

Do you find the story that Christine Blasey Ford told today to be believable? Or unbelievable?

60% Believable
23% Unbelievable
17% Not Sure

Do you find the response from Brett Kavanaugh today to be believable? Or unbelievable?

35% Believable
46% Unbelievable
19% Not Sure

Which do you think is true? Blasey Ford came forward on her own and is telling the truth? Blasey Ford was pressured by others to come forward, but is telling the truth? Or Blasey Ford was paid by others to come forward with a made-up story that is false?

43% Came Forward On Her Own / Telling Truth
25% Pressured / Telling Truth
19% Paid By Others / Made-up Story
13% Not Sure

Did the prosecutor hired by Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee treat Christine Blasey Ford respectfully? Or disrespectfully?
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65% Respectfully
17% Disrespectfully
18% Not Sure

Did the Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee treat Brett Kavanaugh respectfully? Or disrespectfully?

50% Respectfully
35% Disrespectfully
15% Not Sure

Which better describes how you feel? Blasey Ford has genuine concerns about Kavanaugh's fitness for office? Or Blasey Ford is a Democratic activist determined to destroy a Republican at any cost?

60% Has Genuine Concerns
26% Determined To Destroy a Republican
14% Not Sure

Which best describes how you feel? I had supported Kavanaugh's nomination before today, and still do? I had opposed Kavanaugh's nomination before today and still do? I had supported Kavanaugh's nomination before today but now I oppose him? Or I had opposed Kavanaugh's nomination before today but now I support him?

31% Supported Nomination / Still Do
45% Opposed Nomination / Still Do
9% Supported Nomination / Now Oppose
4% Opposed Nomination / Now Support
10% Not Sure

Which better describes how you feel? If the story Blasey Ford tells is true, Kavanaugh is not the right person for the Supreme Court? Or even if the Blasey Ford story is true, it doesn't matter; Kavanaugh is the right person for the Supreme Court?

69% If Story True / Not The Right Person
22% Even If True / Kavanaugh Right Person
10% Not Sure

If Blasey Ford's story is completely true, did she describe a criminal act? Unacceptable behavior by Kavanaugh that falls short of criminality? Or something innocent?

42% A Criminal Act
44% Unacceptable Behavior / Short Of Criminality
4% Something Innocent
9% Not Sure

Which better describes how you feel? Today's proceedings were a serious inquiry into a Supreme Court nominee's fitness for high office? Or today's proceedings were a farce?

57% Serious Inquiry
34% a Farce
9% Not Sure

Which best describes how you feel? Republicans have made a mockery out of this confirmation process? Democrats have made a mockery out of this confirmation process? Both parties are equally responsible for making a mockery out of this confirmation process? Or the process is working exactly as it was intended to work?

31% Republicans Made a Mockery
25% Democrats Made a Mockery
29% Both Parties Are Equally Responsible
6% Working Exactly As It Was Intended To
8% Not Sure

Do you have confidence? Or no confidence? ... in the Supreme Court of the United States?

50% Confidence
27% No Confidence
[Ads /]
23% Not Sure

Before Kavanaugh was nominated to The Court, was your opinion of the #MeToo movement...favorable? Unfavorable? Neutral? Or did you have no opinion one way or the other?

49% Favorable
18% Unfavorable
18% Neutral
15% No Opinion

Based on what took place today, is your opinion of the #MeToo movement now...favorable? Unfavorable? Neutral? Or do you have no opinion one way or the other?

49% Favorable
22% Unfavorable
18% Neutral
10% No Opinion

Focusing not just on today's events, but on all of the testimony that Brett Kavanaugh has given before the Senate Judiciary Committee and all of the news interviews that Kavanaugh has given on TV, which is true? Kavanaugh always tells the truth and nothing but the truth? Kavanaugh may accidentally stray from the truth, but never intentionally? Kavanaugh chooses to tell the truth when it suits him, and skirts the truth when it is in his interest to do so? Or Kavanaugh is a political operative who feels telling the truth is less important than advancing his own agenda?

19% Always Tells The Truth And Nothing But
17% May Accidentally Stray From The Truth / Never Intentionally
36% Tells The Truth When It Suits Him / Skirts When In His Interest
19% Feels Telling The Truth Is Less Important Than Advancing His Own Agenda
9% Not Sure

If the United States Senate rejects Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court, will the long-term impact on future nominees to the Court be positive? Negative? Or no impact either way?

29% Positive
39% Negative
18% No Impact Either Way
13% Not Sure

If the United States Senate confirms Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, will history record this as one of Democracy's finest hours? One of Democracy's darkest moments? Or a day, quickly forgotten, with no particular historical significance?

13% One Of Democracy's Finest Hours
50% One Of Democracy's Darkest Moments
21% A Day Quickly Forgotten
17% Not Sure

If the United States Senate confirms Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court of the United States, what is the most likely outcome? He will go down in history as a brilliant legal scholar? He will go down in history as an unremarkable justice whose vote could always be determined before a case was heard? Or he will come to be seen as an embarrassment to the court?

21% Will Go Down In History As a Brilliant Legal Scholar
23% Will Go Down In History As An Unremarkable Justice
36% Will Come To Be Seen As An Embarrassment
20% Not Sure

Stepping back now from the events of today ... based on everything you have seen and heard from Brett Kavanaugh, does he have the temperament to be a justice on the Supreme Court of the United States?

41% Yes
47% No
11% Not Sure

Have you ever been the victim of sexual assault?

30% Yes
67% No
3% Not Sure
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